History of sports medicine

  • Survey results

    The CES reported to the PAC the survey results from the questionnaire and the contents of the 2-section Examination.
  • Questionnaire development

    This questionnaire was developed by the Certification Examination Subcommittee to solicitate for the Certification Examination in 1968.
  • Certification Examination

    Lindsy Mclean stated reasons why NATA should go forth with the development of Certification Examination with Athletic trainers.
  • response to examination

    Lindsey Mclean is concerned about the terminology "Athletic Trainer" because the name "Athletic Trainer" they don't think it'll be benificial in the future
  • Professional Advancement Committee meeting

    The Committee wants all trainers to review the Initial 5 pathways to certification as of Dec 31, 1969.
  • Target date for Certification

    NATA suggests that all districts should review The initial 5 pathways to certification.
  • Examination gets out

    24 of the candidates took the Examination at the NATA annual meeting.
  • Women take the Examination

    The first Woman took the Examination in St. Louis.
  • increase of certification offers

    A private sector would be created to certify agencies. This would cause a huge increase of certifications.
  • More people use Athletic training

    Robert Barton introduces Athletic training more to the public and different audiences.
  • NCHCA development

    The NCHCA was created for maintained using better testing
  • NATA and the NCHCA

    NATA needed to ensure the quality and fairness of certification so they applied to NCHCA.
  • eligibility for accreditation

    NATA modified the governance to comply with the commissions criterion 2c
  • NATA recommendation approval

    The resposibility and accountability was handed over to the board of certification. The board of directors was responsible for recommendations, to accept a recommendation a person from each district has to vote.
  • Role Delineation panel

    This panel was created to identify the performance domains that define the profession.
  • Certification examination test specifications

    The Certification examination test specifications was made by the results of the panel study.
  • ATC and CAT

    NATA registered the patent certification marks as ACT and CAT and could prevent anyone else from using those exact marks.

    The NATABOC was a separate organization that was responsible for certifying practitioners.
  • ACT credential eliminated

    due to the separate incorporation NATABOC the ATC had no more people to train because of efficiency so they got eliminated
  • Athletic trainer population rises

    From 1970 there was about 1600 athletic trainers and about 38 years later there is a wopping 15000 certified athletic trainers in that decade alone.