History of Special Education in the US

  • Beattie V Board of Education

    Beattie V Board of Education
    Beattie V Board of Education was an unfortunate event in history as the court ruled against exceptional's students rights. Special needs children were banned from school due to their physical abnormalities. Although the students had the capacity to learn teacher's were revolted by their drooling and conditions.
  • The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

    The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
    The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Was initially established with the intentions on improving education policies for students who are exceptional. The CEC initially came about by a group of allied aspiring teacher's attending the Teacher's College at Columbia University. CEC has then become a national council improving and advocating for special needs education.
  • Brown V Board of Education

    Brown V Board of Education
    This court case was based on the detestation of the Doctrine "Separate But Equal" not only did this deprive people of color of a fair and exemplary education students with special needs were also excluded. The Supreme Court deemed it as unconstitutional. The ruling in fact opened opportunities of inclusive education settings for children with special needs.
  • Mills Vs Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    Mills Vs Board of Education of the District of Columbia
    (https://www.lexisnexis.com/community/casebrief/p/casebrief-mills-v-bd-of-educ) Mills V Board was a lawsuit against the District of Columbia due to their inability to provide educational opportunities to children with special needs.The courts eventually ruled that these students be given a public education regardless of their disabilities and incapacity to pay for resources. The ultimate decision led to all children being entitled to free public education appropriate for their needs.
  • Section 504

    Section 504
    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act protects students with disabilities from discrimination. This allows students who are exceptional a fair chance at entering programs, securing jobs that suit their mental capacities and so much more opportunities. It is a civil law that bans thus making discrimination illegal.
  • The Individual With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

    The Individual With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
    IDEA The Individual With Disabilities Education Act ensures that all children with disabilities are granted Free Appropriate Public Education or FAPE. On of the main components of this act has been the creation Individual Education programs catered directly to each student which ultimately allows teachers to focus on a student's level and need
  • The Education For All Handicapped Children Act

    The Education For All Handicapped Children Act
    The Education for all handicapped children act permitted all public education schools to provide equal education for children with physical and mental disabilities. The act also allowed parents to intervene with any decisions made on behalf of their children. It also allows for children to be placed in an all inclusive classroom setting with little restriction to be able to interact with all students.
  • The Rowley Decision

    The Rowley Decision
    The Rowley Decision or the Board of Education V Hendrick Hudson Central School District V. Rowley was a court case that arose from the school's inconsideration and denial of necessary resources needed for Amy Rowley who happened to be a deaf student in need of an interpreter. The denial of appropriate resources also violated the Education For All Handicapped Children Act. Thus, resulting in a two part test used by courts to decide if schools provide FAPE
  • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

    No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
    The objective of the no child left behind act was to accommodate all students and ensure they are all being granted a fair and equal opportunity of a standard education. This law was put into place by former president George W. Bush and amazingly the law was passed with an a outstanding bipartisanship. This allowed students who are exceptional to have a chance at a high quality education.
  • The Assistive Technology Act

    The Assistive Technology Act
    The Assistive Technology Act allocates federal funding an attempt
    "to improve the provision of assistive technology to individuals with disabilities of all ages through comprehensive statewide programs of technology-related assistance." This Act has to be renewed yearly.