History of Speakers & Home Audio

  • Reproduced sound for the first time

    Johananna Reirs who was a school teacher in Germany reproduced sound as a experiment.
  • Grambell tries

    Alexander Graham Bell tried to make a speaker based on Reirs work.
  • Phonograph

    Thomas Edison realized that paper tape movement through the machine sounded like words when played at high speed so he tested it using a stylus on a tinfoil cylinder
  • Gramphone

    Emilie Berliner came up with gramophone. He was the first to stop recording on cylinders and used flat discs made of glass
  • Record Player

    Intrduced by RCA Victor, It Had a clearer sound than the phonograph
  • Phonographs fade away

    Phonographs have become the thing of the past, record players poppularity was growing
  • First ever Speaker was made

    First ever Speaker was made
    The first speaker were invented by General Electric and E.W. Kellogg of AT&T but was big and had the moving magnet on the inside
  • Electrical Recordings

    Electrical Recordings
    Electrical recordings (using microphones) were replacing acoustic recordings, acoustic recordings is when the musicians played into a metal horn.
  • Electrodynamic loudspeaker

    Electrodynamic loudspeaker
    "The first voice radios used a horn, and very quickly the horn was replaced by the electrodynamic loudspeaker invented in Schenectady at General Electric" (History of Speakers,Steve Normandin)
  • Electrostatic Loudspeaker

    Electrostatic Loudspeaker
    Arthur Janszen worked on the speaker for the military
  • A better speaker

    A better speaker
    "Arthur Janszen joined forces with the KLH loudspeaker company, and together they introduced the KLH 9." (Electrostatic Loudspeaker History, Unknown/Not Stated)
  • Modern Day Speaker

    Speakers are now produced in various shapes in sizes, for example companies like skullcandy,bose, beats by dre, etc are amoung the most popular.