History of Space Timeline

  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1
    The first object in space, it was launched by Russia to be the first man-made satellite to orbit Earth. It is significant because it was the first human object into space.
  • Sputnik 2

    Sputnik 2
    Launched by Russia, it carried a dog named Laika and orbited Earth. It is important because it carried the first ever living creature into space.
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    Launched by U.S.A it was a man-made satellite put into orbit around Earth. It is important because it was the first sateillite by the U.S.A.
  • Luna 1

    Another sateillite launched by Russia, it was sent into orbit around the Moon. It is important because it was the first man-made object to orbit the Moon or go near the Moon.
  • Tiros 1

    Launched by the U.S.A, this object was put on a low orbit around Earth. It was a weather satellite that gathered information about the weather. It is important because it was the first of it's kind and helped us gather us daily weather.
  • Vostok 1

    Vostok 1
    A rocketship launched by Russia, it carried Yuri Gagarin who would be the first ever man in space. It was important because it was the first ever human in space.
  • Mercury Friendship 7

    Mercury Friendship 7
    A rocketship launched by U.S.A, it carried the first U.S.A astronaut into space, John Glenn. It is important because it carried the first astronaut from the U.S into space.
  • Mariner 2

    Mariner 2
    Launched by U.S.A , it was the first planetary spacecraft. It went on a solar orbit and passed by Veneus to collect info on this planet. It was important because it was the first planetary spacecraft that collected info on other planets.
  • Voskhad 2

    Voskhad 2
    Another rocketship launched into space by Russia,seemingly normal at first. But then Alexei A. Lenov then left the spacecraft and commited the first spacewalk. This is important since it was the ever spacewalk, envolving someone leaving the spacecraft.
  • Mariner 4

    On this date, the U.S.A Mariner 4 came back with close range images of the planet Mars. It is important because these photographs showed us what mars looked like
  • Luna 9

    This Russia launched spacecraft had traveled to the Moon and soft-landed on the moon, but carried not people. It was important because even though it wasn't the first thing to land on the Moon, it was the first to softly land on the Moon, with no impact.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    On this day the rocketship launched by the U.S.A carrying Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, it landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first to set foot on the Moon and they put an American flag on the Moon. It was important because it was the day the first people ever landed on the Moon.
  • Pioneer 10

    Pioneer 10
    This planetary spacecraft launched by the U.S.A, was the first spacecraft to make it past the asteroid belt and study Jupiter. This was important because it was the first object to observe Jupiter to bring us back information.
  • Space Rendezvous

    Not a specific spacecraft or anything, this was a renezvous between U.S.A and Russia in space. This was important becaused it showed these two countries could work together.
  • Sojourner

    The rover sojourner launched by the U.S.A was landed on Mars this day and brought us video, and close up picture of Mars. This was important because it gave us more news on Mars and showed us more about it.