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History of surgeon

  • 600 BCE


    Sushruta was the first plastic surgeon in 600 bc
  • 300 BCE

    Evidence of a surgical procedure

    Evidence of a surgical procedure
    The first evidence of a surgical procedure was cutting a small hole in the head in 300 bc
  • 200 BCE

    The reconstruction of the nose

    The reconstruction of the nose
    In 200 bc was the first reconstruction of the nose by Indians
  • 1452

    disection of human bodies

    disection of human bodies
    In 1452 Leonardo da Vinci dissected human bodies and drew what he saw
  • 1500

    Ambrose pare

    Ambrose pare
    In the mid 1500 Ambrose pare was a French war surgeon and made the ligatures popular
  • 1540

    Barber surgeons

    Barber surgeons
    Barber surgeons performed tooth extractions in 1540
  • blood transfusion

    blood transfusion
    The first human blood transfusion was in 1818
  • first public use of anesthesia

    first public use of anesthesia
    William T was the first to use anesthesia during a surgery in public in 1846
  • Appendectomy

    First successful appendectomy performed in Iowa in 1885
  • First X-ray

    First X-ray
    In 1895 the first X-ray was performed in Germany
  • Heart surgery

    Heart surgery
    In 1896 the first successful heart surgery was performed
  • cornea transplant

    cornea transplant
    In 1905 the first successful cornea transplant was performed
  • documented plastic surgery

    documented plastic surgery
    In 1917 the first documented plastic surgery was performed
  • sex change operation

    sex change operation
    In 1930 was the first sex change operation to a woman
  • Metal hip replacement

    Metal hip replacement
    In 1940 the first metal hip replacement surgery was performed
  • Liver transplant

    Liver transplant
    In 1967 the first liver transplant was performed
  • Robotic surgery

    Robotic surgery
    In 1985 was the first documented robotic surgery
  • Face transplant

    Face transplant
    In 2010 the worlds first full face transplant was performed in spain