History of pschology

  • Cartesian Dualism

    Cartesian Dualism
    humans are made of two sides, these are soul and the body.but he said that, behaviours are partly controlled by the soul. he also brought the idea of carrying experiments to find out what is true and what is not. he also said that human is copletely materialistic.
  • German non psychologyist

    German non psychologyist
    These are people who were not psychologists but conducted experiment. These were : Hermann Von Helmholtz.
    Ernest Weber.
    Weber conducted the experiment (knowing how is the brain to recognize the change )and also found a ration called Weber fraction that is true for different sensory systems.

    Helmholtz carrried out the experiment deterimining how fast are neurotransimission.
  • Freud

    Changed psychology in Victorian Era men were gentlemen and women were ladies story of man kind. he also promoed the idea tha mental problem can be stopped from some inconscious inner conflict. During his time people didnot talk about sexuality and aggression.He also brought the idea of psychic which are id,ego and superego
  • Post freud

    Post freud
    Behaviorism school of pychology that limits periment and theory and to think that you can cotrol.everything
    he also compared a computer to the brain were the brain is the hardware and the thoughts as the software.
    Here the people involved were Freud, Albert.