History of political partys

  • Federalist Party Begins

     Federalist Party Begins
    Hamilton and other leaders who wanted a strong central government joined together to create a political party. Federalists held that capital and industry were the basis of a healthy republic. Federalists generally liked England instead of revolutionary france.
  • Anti-federalist party begins

    Anti-federalist party begins
    Anti-federalists gathered around Jefferson. Also known as Republican-democrate party. Favored the revolutionary france, not england.
  • National Republicans and Democrats

    Federalists joined with anti-Jackson Democrats to form the National Republican and democrat They ran their first presidential candidate, John C. Frémont, in 1856.
  • Democrats

    Jackson changed the party's name to Democrats from Democraqtic-Republican. The Democrats were split in two during the civil war Northern and Southern Democrats. Democrats supported free trade, witch imigrants and farmers supported.
  • Whig party

    Whig party
    After the National repubicans and Democrats losed the elections in 1838 and 1832, Andrew Jackson decied to "regroup" forming the Whig party. They offened called Andrew Jackson, "King Andrew." Henery Claw was able to unite the party by making a strong econimy by using roads and railroads.
  • Republicans

    Before the civil war, slavery split the country in two. The Whigs and anti-slavery democrats, joined together to make the Republicnans. While the rpublicans were in still in a strong oposition to slavery, they mostly took on the wishes of the Whig party.