Pittsburgh weo night 1

History of Pittsburgh

By cdhoffm
  • Fort Pitt Founded

    Fort Pitt Founded
    The founding of Fort Pitt by General John Forbes creates the area of Pittsburgh.
  • Pittsburgh Officially Becomes a City

    Pittsburgh Officially Becomes a City
    The government of the area becaame a city.
  • Smithfield Street Bridge Opened

    Smithfield Street Bridge Opened
    It was the first bridge to span a river in the area. I would be destroyed by fire in 1845 and rebuild in 1883. (Year is accurate couldn't find exact date)
  • Allegheny Arsenal Explosion

    Allegheny Arsenal Explosion
    The arsenal exploded killing 72 workers, many of which were young women.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    At the Homestead plant of Carnegie Steel the workers took to striking, creating one of the biggest labor dispute in U.S. history.
  • Formation of US Steel

    Formation of US Steel
    Andrew Carnegie sells interests to J.P. Morgan, creating the U.S. Steel Corporation.
  • KDKA Hits the Air

    KDKA Hits the Air
    KDKA becomes the first scheduled radio station.
  • St. Patrick's Day Flood

    St. Patrick's Day Flood
    Flood waters covered downtown from the Point all the way to Grant St. Water levels reached over 40 feet high.
  • Point State Park Opens

    Point State Park Opens
    (sorry don't have the exact date) The infamous Point State Park of Pittsburgh opened helping to complete the Renaissance of the city.
  • Pittsburgh Turns 250

    Pittsburgh Turns 250
    The City of Pittsburgh celebrated its 250th birthday.