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History of Microscopes

By vbm2k03
  • Period: 3100 BCE to 332 BCE


    Egyptians believed that organs should be taken to the afterlife so they were kept in jars . The heart had no place in the jars they thought the heart should be kept in the body so it could be weighted by the god anubis.
  • 3008 BCE


  • Period: 800 BCE to 600


    Herophilos (Herophilus)
    Said to be the first person to measure pulse. He used a portable water clock that was capable of containing a specific amount of water for natural pulse beats of every age.
  • 799 BCE


  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE


    Galen learned a lot about human anatomy because he was a physician at a gladiator school, which gave him access to patients that had open wounds. These allowed him to observe muscle, bone and other components of the human body, documenting his discoveries and advancing the field of ancient Greek medicine. Discoveries: Thoughts and senses were processed in the brain; The importance of the spine, and that if injured, it could result in paralysis.
  • 751 BCE


  • Renaissance

    In 1590, existed 2 dutch spectacle makers named zacharias janssen and his son hans. While experimenting with many lenses and many objects, they saw how nearby objects appeared enlarged, and that's how they invented the microscope
  • Robert Hooke (17th century)

    Robert Hooke (17th century)
    Robert Hooke became the first person to view cells under a microscope. He used a micrograph which was a type of microscope that he invented.
  • Anton Vaan Leeuwenhoek (17th century)

    Anton Vaan Leeuwenhoek (17th century)
    Anton Vaan Leeuwenhoek became the first person to discover bacteria utilizing a microscope.
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    John Cuff (instrument maker) and Henry Baker (philosopher) worked together to change microscope design and it became the most popular model available at the time.
  • 19th Century

    19th Century
    Little improvement was done to improve the microscope untill the 19th century. Manufacturesrs started to add new and better quality instruments like condensers and multiple lenses, and today's microscope emerged.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    Today, there are no microscope manufacturers in the US. Most microscopes come from germany, Japan, and China.