History of mass media

  • 59 BCE

    News Paper

    News Paper
    Paper booklet that stores usually sell
    Black and White
    People get their Dailey and weekly news from these papers
    Sometimes contain bias opinions
  • 28 BCE


    Back in the old days, people sent letters to inform others what's going on.
  • 1 BCE


    Sometimes people write Autobiographies
    These are stories of someone's life
    A lot of famous people that loves back in history wrote autobiographies, or have a story written for them
  • 1 BCE

    Word of mouth

    Word of mouth
    If someone hears exciting news, they will probably want to share it.
  • NBC

    American news channel
  • Television

    Screen that displays images
    Different channels share stories
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    Way for people to post events that are going on in emir life, or worldwide
  • Webpage

    Pages online catch people up with what's going on around the world
  • Telephone

    A device that allows you to call, or message someone
    People can instantly inform others on an event
  • Satellite

    Contries across the world can send new news stories