History of General Systems Theory

  • Origin TGS

    Origin TGS
    One of the first contributions to this field was Ludwig von Bertalanffy's general systems theory, he proposed his general systems theory as a broad tool that could be shared by many different sciences. This model has had a great influence on the scientific perspective and continues to be a fundamental reference in systems analysis.
  • Walter Bradford Cannon

    Walter Bradford Cannon
    It is important to note the enormous relevance of Cannon's research to the mind-body problem, especially at the level of the whole organism. One of the most relevant facts is constituted by the consequences and physiological correlates of emotion in general and fear, anger and stress in particular. This evidence and theorizing was central to the development of so-called psychosomatic medicine promulgated around 1950.
  • Turing machine

    Turing machine
    Alan Turing published a famous article in which he defined an infinite capacity calculating machine (Turing machine) that operated based on a series of logical instructions, thus laying the foundations of the modern concept of algorithm. The Turing machine was both an example of his computational theory and a proof that a certain type of computing machine could be built.
  • Theory of Games

    Theory of Games
    John von Neumann publishes his book Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. This paper contains a method for finding optimal solutions for two-person zero-sum games. During this period, work on game theory focused primarily on cooperative game theory.
  • Cybernetics

    He made important contributions in various areas of mathematics, mainly in analysis, probability and control theory. In particular, Wiener had a prominent role in the branches related to artificial intelligence. In fact, he influenced the thinking of neurologists, psychologists, sociologists and philosophers of the time, with his cybernetic ideas of feedback.
  • Information theory

    Information theory
    Is a theoretical proposal presented by Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver in the late 1940s. This theory is related to the mathematical laws that govern the transmission and processing of information and deals with the measurement of information and its representation, as well as the capacity of communication systems to transmit and process information.
  • Analysis of social networks

    Analysis of social networks
    Rapoport was one of the first to develop social media analytics. His original work showed that large networks can be measured by outlining traces of flows through them. This allows knowing the speed of distribution of resources, including information, and what accelerates or prevents these flows, such as race, gender, socioeconomic status, proximity and kinship.
  • International Society for the Systems Sciences

    International Society for the Systems Sciences
    The general purpose of this society is: "to promote the development of conceptual frameworks based on general systems theory, as well as their implementation in practice. In addition, it seeks to promote research and facilitate communication between scientists and professionals from various disciplines and professions. at local, regional, national and international levels.
  • Graph theory

    Graph theory
    The potential of graph theory lies in being able to model some real-life situation in a simple way, the characteristics of the system are abstracted and it is studied.
    Currently the theory of graphs is applied in electronics to the study of circuits and meshes, it also helps transport in the design of routes, analysts to link information and all social networks are graphs, where each person is a vertex and the relationship of "Friendship" is an edge.
  • Theory of the sets

    Theory of the sets
    The theory of sets is sufficiently rich enough to build the rest of objects and structures of interest in mathematics: numbers, functions, geometric figures, etc. Thanks to the tools of logic, permission study the basics.
  • Simulation of interactions between objects in dynamic systems

    Simulation of interactions between objects in dynamic systems
    Forrester is known as the founder of systems dynamics, a discipline that deals with the simulation of interactions between objects in dynamic systems and is most often applied to research and consulting in organizations and other social systems.
  • Catastrophe theory

    Catastrophe theory
    Forrester is known as the founder of systems dynamics, a discipline that deals with the simulation of interactions between objects in dynamic systems and is most often applied to research and consulting in organizations and other social systems.
  • Living systems theory

    Living systems theory
    Creade by Jhon Miller. Living systems are open, self-organizing life forms that interact with their environment. These systems are maintained by flows of information, energy and matter
  • Caos theory

    Caos theory
    David Ruelle, Edward Lorenz, Mitchell Feigenbaum, Steve Smale, and James A. Yorke describe Chaos Theory, a mathematical theory of nonlinear dynamical systems that describes bifurcations, strange attractions, and chaotic motions.
  • Complex adaptive system (CAS)

    Complex adaptive system (CAS)
    John H. Holland, Murray Gell-Mann, Harold Morowitz, W. Brian Arthur, and others in 1990 raised the Complex Adaptive System (CAS), a new science of complexity that describes emergence, adaptation and self-organization.