History of Family and Consumer Science

By cmoler1
  • Justin Smith Morrill

    Representative and Senator from Vermont, who established federal funding for many of the United States public colleges and universities.
  • Morrill Act of 1862

    Morrill's Land Grant passed, making each eligible state able to receive a total of 30,000 acres of federal land used towards establishing these institutions.
  • Land Grant University's

    A higher education institution that receives benefits from the Morrill Act of 1862. The Land Grant Universities in Arkansas include the following: University of Arkansas and the University of Pine Bluff
  • Lake Placid Conferences

    Initiated by Melvil Dewey, based on an interest in the field of household science. Ellen H. Richards was influential in providing organization and leadership to the meetings
  • Ellen Richards

    New organization was chartered called The American Home Economics Association

    American Association of Family and Consumer Science was founded in 1909
  • Smith Lever Act of 1914

    Established a system of cooperative extension services, connected to land grant universities, to inform about current developments in Family and Consumer Science fields.
  • Smith Hughes Act of 1917

    promoted vocational education in agriculture, trades and industry, and homemaking, and provided federal funds for this purpose.
  • Iowa State College

    At this time, they were the only program granting a Master of Science in Household Equipment

    FCCLA, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, was founded.
  • Cornell University Programs

    Number of university level home economic programs have been renamed to human ecology
  • Vocational Education Acts of 1963

    Provided grants to states to maintain, improve, and develop vocational-technical education programs
  • Vocational Amendment of 1968

    Extended the Vocational Education Acts of 1963, focusing more on people than occupations. National and state advisory councils are required.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1973

    This amendment prohibited the discrimination on the basis of handicap in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance
  • Vocational Amendment of 1976

    This amendment was not only to improve the standards of vocational education, but also to expand offerings to disadvantaged students and eliminate sex bias and stereotyping in vocational education
  • Carl Perkins Vocational Act of 1984

    Aims to increase the quality of technical education within the United States in order to help the economy
  • Carl Perkins Act of 1990

    Purpose was to develop more fully the academic, vocational, and technical skills of secondary students an post-secondary students who elect to enroll in vocational and technical education programs.
  • HomeEc changed to FACS

    Home Economics name changed to Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Carl Perkins Act of 2006

    1) Using the term "career and technical education" instead of "vocational education"
    2) Maintaining the Tech Prep Program as a separate federal funding stream within the legislation
    3) Maintaining state administrative funding at 5 percent of a state's allocation
  • The Perkins Act

    In 2012 the law was extended to 1.3 Billion in federal support toward career and technical education programs in all 50 states