history of fairy tales

  • Period: 7000 BCE to 1 BCE


  • Period: 1 CE to 1500


  • 1500

    Aladdin (1001 Arabian Nights)

    Youhenna Diab
    A poor boy finds a magic lamp, wishes to become a prince so he can marry the the princess, bad guy get his hands on the lamp tries to become the ruler and marry the princess but the boy and princess trick him into becoming a genie and they send him far away, then the boy and the princess got married.
  • Period: 1500 to


  • Pocahontas

    John smith
    When white people come to the place where indians live, when the indians find out they try to kill them when they try to kill the captain john smith a young girl who was nicknamed Pocahontas (who's about 11-12) stops it from happening they then capture her and make her a prisoner, but john smith thinks she looks pretty i should marry her so they get married but she tragically dies before she's an adult.
  • cindella

    Charles Perrault
    There's a poor slave like girl who is ordered around by her step mother and sisters, there's a ball every girl is invited but her step mother won't let her go she cries, fairy godmother appears gives her all she needs to go to the ball clock strikes 12 she leaves for her home leaves behind a shoe prince finds it, the next day prince goes around and finally finds her even though her step mother and step sisters tried to hid her.
  • Beauty & The Beast

    Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve
    A young woman whose father gets captured by a beast, when she finds out she switches places with her dad and becomes the beasts prisoner forever, she and the beast come closer and closer and eventually fall in love. It turns out that the beast was under a curse and the young girl breaks the curse and the beast turns into a beautiful prince and the talking objects into people that work for the prince.
  • Rumpelstiltskin

    Brothers grimm Miller brags to king that his daughter can spin straw into gold.
    King holds daughter prisoner; demanding she use her talent, which she does not have
    Little man appears offering to spin straw for her
    Must give first child to him
    After delivering child, little man appears to women
    In her despair, women begs little man to let her keep child
    he says yes only if she can guess his name
    she dose and gets to keep his child
  • the frog king

    Brothers grimm
    In the story, a princess promises a frog that she will make him her companion if he retrieves her favorite toy from the bottom of the deep spring. When the frog comes to visit her later, however, she is terrified by the revolting appearance of the creature. Commanded by her father to keep her promise, the princess reluctantly invites the frog into the castle.
  • The Snow Queen

    Hans christian andersen
    A young girl goes looking for her friend who has gone missing she crosses forests, mountains and hills to reach the snow kingdom and bring her friend, when she reaches him she confronts the snow queen and shows that the power of friendship can last forever.
  • peter pan

    James Matthew Barrie In Peter Pan, Peter Pan takes Wendy and her siblings to Neverland. There, Peter is plagued by the pirate Hook, who is himself plagued by the crocodile who bit off his hand. In the end, Wendy, Peter, and the Lost Boys escape Hook's clutches.
  • Aesop’s Fables

    This book of stories the characters are mostly animals and sometimes plants. Even though the characters aren’t humans they have human virtues and flaws, act and talk like people.Every fable has a lesson, and people can relate to the characters. All of the events in the stories are linked to real life events, and they carry the moral of the story.