History of Evolution

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    History of Evolution

  • Jean-Baptise de Lamarck

    Jean-Baptise de Lamarck
    Jean-Baptise de Lamarck says that living things evolve to be more complex. In his book, Philosophie zoologique, he writes that vital forces helt creatures adapt to their enviroment.
  • Darwin Born

    Darwin Born
    Charles Robert Darwin was born into a wealthy English family. At the time, Britin is at war against France, and evolution is hinted at by the French radicals.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    During the war of 1812, America struggled to mantain independence from Britain.
  • Creek War

    Creek War
    Origanally a Creek Tribe civil war, the Americans got involved and helped the Creeks.
  • Beagle's Voyage

    Beagle's Voyage
    Darwin sets out on a voyage around the world seeking to become a member of the clergy. Instead, the life and world changing voyage to through the Galapagos Islands made him want to become a scientist. He returns with the things he collected on his voyage
  • War of Texas Independence

    War of Texas Independence
    On April 6, the Mexican government Forbade further American emigration to Texas. This lead to the Americans fighting the Spanish for Texas.
  • Notebooks

    During his voyage, Darwin starts secret notebooks containing the "radical" ideas he has come upon. He records the many things he found on his trip through the Galapagos Islands.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    A conflict that occurred as the result of Mexican resentment over the US annexation of Texas and a border dispute.
  • Neanderthal

    A fossil skull was found in Neander Valley in Germany. It raised questions about whether all humans are decendants of Adam and Eve.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The south split from the north
  • The Decendant of Man

    The Decendant of Man
    Darwin's new book, The Decendant of Man, explores the idea of human evolution and sexual selection. He realays the information that to pass on traits, people must not only be able to survive, they must also be irresistable to the opposite sex.
  • Social Darwinism

    Social Darwinism
    English scientist Herbert Spencer has the idea that a struggle for exsistence leads to evolution.
  • Darwin's Death

    Darwin's Death
    Darwin dies and is buried by the church who accepted his ideas of evolution.
  • Spanish-Ameican War

    Spanish-Ameican War
    An exsplosion on bord the USS Maine was thought to be the cause of a Spanish sabotage. This started a war against Spain. Later investigations showed the exposion was due to an a ccident in the boiler room of the ship.
  • World War I

    World War I
    Over time, countries throughout Europe made defense agreements that would pull them into battle. If one country was attacked, allied countries were bound to defend them.
  • Man-Like Ape

    Man-Like Ape
    Raymon Dart finds a man-like ape in a limestone quarry in Taungs, Douth Africa. There is also a baboon skeleton leading Dart to speculate that the man-like ape killed it and ate its brain for food. This horrifies anti-evolutionists because it implies that humans have evolved through fierce hunting.
  • Worl War II

    Worl War II
    When events began happening in Europe, many Americans took an increasingly hard line towards getting involved. The events of World War I had fed into America's natural desire to isolationism.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    America backed Syngman Rhee in the South. This would eventually lead to conflict when in June, 1950, North Korea attacked the South leading to President Harry Truman sending troops in to protect South Korea.
  • Amino Acids

    Amino Acids
    A graduate student named Stantley Miller produces amino acids, a key chemical in the building blocks of life. This is only one of many experiments to indicate that life on Earth could be natural.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    America and France tried to defeat the communists in Vietnam.
  • Debates About Human Origins

    Debates About Human Origins
    Donald Johanson find a preserved 4 million year old fossil. The 40 percent-complete skeleton shows our ape ancestors had small ape-like brain and walked upright. People against evolution dont belive it.