History of DNA

  • Darwin published on The Origin of Species

    Darwin published on The Origin of Species
    Darwin published his first book, The Origin of Species, which touched on the idea of natural selection. He used his research he did at the Galapagos Islands to help with his conclusion.
  • Mendel's Peas

    Mendel's Peas
    Mendal uses peas to see how generations differed with each offspring that came out. He found that pairing different types of peas together would change how the pea looked in the end.
  • Orderly Inheritance of Disease Observed

    Orderly Inheritance of Disease Observed
    Archibald Garrod demonstrated how alkaptonuria is inherited using the Mendelian rules. His work showed one of the first conditions ascribed to a genetic cause
  • The Word Gene Coined

    The Word Gene Coined
    Wilhelm Johannsen coined the word "gene" to describe the results of Mendal's units of heredity.
  • One Gene, One Enzyme

    One Gene, One Enzyme
    George Beadle and Edward Tatum showed that genes act by regulating distinct chemical events.
  • DNA is "Transforming Principle"

    DNA is "Transforming Principle"
    Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty found that DNA can transform the properties of a cell. This clarified the chemical nature of genes.
  • Genes are Made of DNA

    Genes are Made of DNA
    Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase found that the DNA of a virus is the only thing needed to enter a bacterium to infect it.
  • 46 Human Chromosomes

    46 Human Chromosomes
    Joe Hin Tjio said that the exact number of human chromosomes is 46.
  • mRNA Ferries Information

    mRNA Ferries Information
    Sydney Brenner, Francois Jacob, and Matthew Meselsonfound that mRNA is a molecule that takes information from DNA towards the nucleus to the protein-making machinery in the cytoplasm.
  • Genetic Code Cracked

    Genetic Code Cracked
    Marshall Nirenberg, Har Khorana and Severo Ochoa elaberates on the genetic code for genes. They showed how using nucleic acids with their 4-letter alphabet determine the order of the 20 kinds of amino acids in proteins.
  • First Recombinant DNA

    First Recombinant DNA
    The first Recombinant DNA , which is the joining of DNA from different species and creating a hybrid DNA is put into a host cell, was created.
  • DNA Sequencing

     DNA Sequencing
    Sanger, Maxam and Gilbert each created a method of DNA sequencing. Sangers method is more commonly used and was improved upon.
  • First Transgenic Mice and Fruit Flies

     First Transgenic Mice and Fruit Flies
    Scientists were able to add stably-inherited genes to Mice and Fruit Flies allowing them to use a new method to see how genes work.
  • First Disease Gene Mapped

    First Disease Gene Mapped
    A genetic marker found Huntington disease on chromosome 4 making it the first disease gene mapped using DNA polymorphisms.
  • Launch of the Human Genome Project

    Launch of the Human Genome Project
    The DOE and NIH published a plan for the first five years of this project, which was supposed to take 15 years. The purpose of this project was to map the human genome and determine the sequence of all 3.2 billion letters in it
  • New HGP Five-year Plan

    New HGP Five-year Plan
    The National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy established a new set of goals for the Human Genome Project. This plan included making genetic and physical maps.
  • Physical Map of Human Genome Completed

    Physical Map of Human Genome Completed
    A physical map using sequence-tagged sites as markers to order large segments of DNA was made. It contained 15,086 STSs.
  • Human Gene Map Created

    Human Gene Map Created
    Scientists created a map that showed locations of expressed sequence tags. It represented fragments of more than 16,000 genes in the genome.
  • E. coli Genome Sequenced

    E. coli Genome Sequenced
    The complete genome sequence of E.coli was published.
  • Full Scale Human Genome Sequencing

    Full Scale Human Genome Sequencing
    HGP participants moved their goal of obtaining draft sequence covering 90 percent of the human genome to 2000. Full-on human genome sequencing started.
  • Free Access to Genomic Information

    Free Access to Genomic Information
    President Clinton stated that raw data from the Genome project could be published freely.
  • Executive Order Bans Genetic Discrimination in the Federal Workplace

    Executive Order Bans Genetic Discrimination in the Federal Workplace
    President Clinton signed an executive order to ban federal use of genetic information in hiring and promotion practices. It prohibited federal employers from using genetic tests as a condition to be hired.
  • Rice Genome Sequenced

    Rice Genome Sequenced
    Scientists sequenced the genomes of rice. They were trying to create inproved varieties of rice.
  • Premature Aging Gene Identified

     Premature Aging Gene Identified
    A group of researchers found a gene associated with a rare genetic disease that leads to premature aging. This disease has no treatment.
  • Surgeon General Stresses Importance of Family History

    Surgeon General Stresses Importance of Family History
    A surgeon general by the name of Richard H. Carmona stressed the importance of family history to your health. He set up a website dedicated to see if your family has any history of health risks.
  • FDA Approves First Microarray

    FDA Approves First Microarray
    Microarray Instrumentation System is a test designed to help doctors personalize treatments for their patients. It was the first diagnostic microarray system approved by the Food and Drug Administration.