History Of Computing

  • IBM is Created

    IBM is Created
    IBM, one of the leaders of computing and was one of the first is created.
    I choose it because IBM is one of the pioneers of computers
  • UNIVAC computer is created

    UNIVAC computer is created
    UNIVersal Automatic Computer I is created and was revolutionary in its design
    I choose it because it was a huge advancement
  • Silicon Chip

    Silicon Chip
    The first intergarted circut Silicon chip was produced by the US Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce
    I choose it because it is very important because that is something that is in every computer and phone
  • The Floppy Disk

    The Floppy Disk
    The first Floppy Disk was created that was a revolutionary idea and was used for a long time
    I choose it because it was one of the very first ways of storage
  • RAM and Mircroprocessor

    RAM and Mircroprocessor
    The first Random Access Memory chip was created by intel and their first Mircroprocessor
    I choose it because they are two vital thing to a computer
  • Apple Founded

    Apple Founded
    Apple was founded by Steve Jobs And Steve Wozniak
    I choose it because they are one of the biggest computer manufacturers
  • The First Apple Macintosh

    The First Apple Macintosh
    The first computer is created and
  • Google is Founded

    Google is Founded
    in 1998 the first beta of google.com is created
    I choose this because it is a very important moment considering it is the most vistited website ever
  • The Xbox

    The Xbox
    The original Xbox is created by Bill Gates
    It is significant because its started the idea of the Xbox 360 and that is very popular for video games
  • The Macbook Pro

    The Macbook Pro
    The first Macbook Pro is created. It is the original made by Steve Jobs
    I choose it because the Macbook Pro today is one of the best laptops available