History of Chocolate

  • Jun 1, 1200

    Aztec Culture - used as currency and to create a bitter drink

    The Aztecs attributed the creation of the cocoa plant to their God Quetzalcoatl. Cocoa beans used as currency
  • Jun 28, 1502

    Christopher Columbus introduced the cocoa bean to Spain. In Spain the bean was crushed and mixed with sugar and spices and became a popular drink.

  • French man opened a shop in London selling both the hot chocolate and and solid chocolate to be made ino a beverage.

  • Daniel Peter of Switzerland added dried milk to the process of making chocolate.

  • Rodolfe Lindt invents machine where the addition of cocoa butter to the cocoa mass followed by a prolonged kneading process produced a glossy, velvety smooth chocolate

  • Jean Tobler opens a chocolate facotry in the Switzerland. 'Toblerone' invneted - a special blend of cocoa and almonds

  • Mars invented first filled chocolate bar