Bible history

History of Biographies

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    Ancient Times

    Ancient Times
    Ancient Times: 80 AD -
    • Biographies have been said to be around since ancient civilization.
    • They were used as a way to teach others including the younger generation about morals and history.
    • Authors like Plutarch from this era also included information about the private lives of his subjects.
    • Historians started to realize that the private life and influence was important and worth mentioning.
    • In the Ancient Greeks, biographies and accounts of the lives of great Philosophers were made
  • Period: 400 to Sep 6, 1450

    Medieval Period

  • Romantic Era

    Biographies concentrated on the emotional aspect of biographies; how to draw in the readers through various emotional techniques
  • 18th Century

    Claimed to be one of the "best biographies ever written in the English language", James Boswell's "Life of Samuel Johnson" is published.
  • 19th Century Biographies

    19th Century Biographies
    • Authors started to mention and elaborate on their subjects’ childhood life as well.
    • This received more attention from society since it was more interesting.
    • Biographers also started to reveal more of their subjects’ private lives including their sexual life, relationships, and personal issues.
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    • Biographies began to become more focused on their subjects’ issues and flaws.
    • “[…] subsequent biographers attempted to define the inner core of subjects lives, they focused ever more intently on relationships with parents and sexual partners” (Popkin, 3)
    • Interest in the genre of biographies started to rapidly increase by society in the 1960’s.
    • Ever since the 1970’s, the interest in biographies has been large and vast because of the many different catagories and types (like celebrities)