History of battles

  • Battle pf :Lexington and concord

    Middlesex Couny Mass. Ist military engagement in American Rev. War
  • Meeing of 2nd continenal congress

    13 colonies stared meeting in Philly soon afer American Rev stated
  • Battle of Bunker HIll

    briish underook massive casualties to capture he strategic high ground surrounding boston harbor
  • Failed seizure of quebec under Benedict Arnold

    1st major defea fo Americans
  • Adoption of the Declaration of Independance

    13 colonies become independant sovereign states
  • Battle of Tenton

    small but pivotal battle during American Rev
  • Battle of Saratoga

    climax of campaign giving decisive victory to the American
  • Battle of Paoli

    In Philly
  • Washington Encampment of Valley Forge

    sought quaters fo his men ha fough the last major engagement
  • common sense piblished

    Thomas Reid believed common sense should be foundation of all philoshical inquiry