
History Of Antibiotics

  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    conducted first test, the process would later be known as Pasteurization
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    Promoted sterile surgery, used phenol to clean equipment and wounds
  • SmithKline Beecham

    company who produces medication
  • Rudolf Emmerich and Oscar Low

    Rudolf Emmerich and Oscar Low
    First ones to successfuly use microbes to fight other germs.
  • Alexander Flemming

    Discovered Penicillin
  • Gerhard Domagk

    Created first commercially available antibiotic
  • Howard Florey and Ernst Chain

    Concentrated and improved Flemming's Penicillin, first to try Penicillin on a human.
  • Staphylococcus aureus

    First pathogen to become resistant to penicillin, just 4 years after the start of mass production of penicillin.
  • Selman Waksman

    Isolated over 20 antibiotics and was awarded the nobel prize
  • Lloyd Conover

    Inventor of Tetracycline, first to produce an antibiotic by chemically modifying a natural drug