History Final Project

  • US Declares War On Spain

    US Declares War On Spain
    Yellow journalism, the De Lome letter, and the exploding of the U.S.S. Maine all led up to Congress declaring war. This was important because this was America’s chance to build prestige and an empire at the expense of a former great nation.
  • Hawaii Proclaimed an American Territory

    Hawaii Proclaimed an American Territory
    Congress proclaimed Hawaii an American territory without giving the Hawaiians a chance to vote. This was important because this it was an empire building move that America made even though they believed themselves above empire building.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the agreement the ended the Spanish American War. It touched off a great debate because with imperialism being the real issue. This was important because the United States added Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to their empire and sided with imperialism on the side of debate.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    President Theodore Roosevelt's goal was to to see to it that the common people received what he called a Square Deal which was a term used to describe the various progressive reforms sponsored by the Roosevelt administration. Teddy Roosevelt was very important to the progressive era because he was a very influential progressive President.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    This was several controversial provisions that the United States insisted on Cuba adding to its constitution. This was important because it made Cuba a U.S. protectorate.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    America and Panama signed a treaty in which the United States agreed to pay Panama $10 million plus an annual rent of $250,000 for an area of land across Panama, called the Canal zone. This is important because making the Panama Canal greatly reduced travel time for ships and allowed America to have a two ocean navy.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    The Pure Food and Drug Act halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling. I think this was important because was a an example of progressive era the belief that given accurate information, people would act wisely.
  • Frederick Winslow Taylor

    Frederick Winslow Taylor
    His scientific management studies to improve efficiency by breaking manufacturing tasks into simpler parts were applied by industry reformers. This was important to the progressive era because it met the goal of fostering efficiency. However, the system required people to work like machines which led to problems.
  • Fighting Begins

    Fighting Begins
    Nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and the alliance system were four causes of World War 1. Germany declared war on Russia and France. Great Britain declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. Germany fired the first shot using a strategy known as the Schlieffen Plan. This is huge in history because it began the greatest, most devastating war up to that point in time.
  • U.S. Declares War on Germany

    U.S. Declares War on Germany
    After fighting to stay neutral, the U.S. declared war for multiple reasons including the Zimmermann note, U-boat attacks, and Germany’s “bullying Europe.” Woodrow Wilson wanted to make the world “Safe for Democracy” and called WW1 “The War to End All Wars. ”This is important because it made America officially part of the horrific war.
  • Wilson presents his 14 Points Speech before Congress

    Wilson presents his 14 Points Speech before Congress
    President Wilson presented his 14 Points Speech about his plan for world peace almost an entire year before the war ended. His 14 points were very important because they were Wilson's plan for making WW1 have a lasting impact on future generations.
  • Germany Signs Armistice

    Germany Signs Armistice
    Although there were no Allied soldiers on German territory and no truly decisive battle had been fought, the Germans were too exhausted to continue fighting. Therefore, Germany agreed to a cease-fire and signed the armistice that ending the war. This was important because it ended a four year world war.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty at the end of WW1 which established new nations, borders, and war reparations. There were many debates in America about whether or not they would sign. U.S. ended up not signing it. This was important because it created the atmosphere that caused WW2.
  • Prohibition

    Prohibition was the banning of manufacture, sale, or transporting alcoholic beverages. This was important because it was the hope that by banning alcohol, the morals of Americans would improve which was one of the four goals of the progressive movement.
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This granted women the right to vote.This was important because it was a huge step for women’s rights. Women now have to be taken seriously and can no longer be ignored.