Us history2

History Class Timeline 2016-2017

  • Aug 3, 1492

    A Genoese Sailor

    A Genoese Sailor
    Christoper Columbus was a genoese sailor who changed the world. He made people think there was a bridge that connected Africa, Europe and the Americas. This discovery only took four voyage days. christ
  • Green Mountain Boys

    Green Mountain Boys
    The Green Boys were a group of backwoods fighters led by Ethan Allen. This group captured the British fort, talking their large supply of artillery, or cannons plus their larger guns.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence voiced the reasons why they needed to separate from Britain and provided the principles of government upon the United States. This document was written by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson, which were all from the state of Virginia.
  • Electoral College

    Electoral College
    The Electoral College is where members of this group elect the president not regular America voters. Each state has electors. When they come together they all form the Electoral College. Some states have competitions to see which one will be the winner and share the vote and in other states they just elect the winners.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase was a purchase the Americans made with the French. President Thomas Jefferson made this purchase. It costed the United States $15 million dollars. Which equaled out to 3 cents per acre.
  • Lewis and Clark's Journey West

    Lewis and Clark were hired by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the new land, the Louisiana Purchase land. Lewis and Clark did as they were told. Traveling for many days. On there journey they ran into many Native American tribes. They also discovered 200 different species with help from these Native Americans. They also made many maps of the area including where the mountains and the rivers were.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad was a railroad that helped slaves from the south escape to the north. This was lead by Harriet Tubman, a former slave in the south. Harriet Tubman created these railroads. She made 19 different trips to the south, saving he family and many others.
  • California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush was when many people from all over California and the United States raced to the American River. The gold rush occurred when large numbers of people move to site where gold had been found.
  • Attack on Fort Sumter

    Attack on Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter, a federal outpost in Charleston, South Carolina was attacked by Confederacy. Lincoln was the president at that time. He had a decision to send supplies to Fort Sumter and be attacked or to not send supplies. He decided to send the supplies which made the Confederacy attack. The American finally gave up and let the Confederacy win. That was the attack of Fort Sumter.
  • The invasion of Normandy

    The invasion of Normandy
    On this date in World War II the Alfred Forces invaded the beaches of Northern France to liberate Europe from Nazi occupation.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    The brown vs board of education was when one family sued the school district to allow there daughter to be able to go to their school. The reason why she couldn't go there is because it was an only white school and she had to travel across town to get to school when she could just walk a block almost to school.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights Act of 1866 said, "That all people born in the United States, except for Native Americans, were citizens". It also stated that all citizens had equal rights no matter what race they were.
  • The day the world changed forever

    The day the world changed forever
    This was the day 4 airplanes were hijacked by terrorists from the group al Qaeda.Two of the planes were flown into the World Trading Center, killing 2,500 people. Another plane was flown into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Department of Defense. The last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.
  • Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
    This is the day I was born into this world.