
  • 14th Amendment

    Gave African American citizenship and said that states had to provide equal protection for all.
  • House Divided Speech

    Abraham Lincoln gave a speech about how he doesn't want the union to seceeded from the country and that dividing the country will help
  • Fort Sumter

    One of the first fights ignited the flame of the civil war.
  • Fort Sumter

    One of the first fights, ignited the flame of the civil war.
  • Sharpsburg

    A battle that was near the Antetam creelin Maryland,this battle ended up with union win simply because the confederate got out
  • Gettysburg

    This fights lasted 2 days from july 1-3 and the union had 23,00 casualties and the confederate had 28,00 casualties which ened
  • Vickysburg

    A battle place called vicksburg which was along the Mississippi river which was a confedarte city.
  • Vickysburg

    A battle at place called vickysburg which was along the mississippi river which was a confederate city and one of the last ones at that.
  • March to sea

    Sherman marched his troops destroying everything that the confederate had left.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Congress formed the freedman's Bureau in March 1865
  • General Lee Surrendered

    Surrendered his army at the Appomattax courthouse
  • Assassination

    President Lincoln was killed.
  • General Lee Surrendered

    On April 8, 1865, General Lee surrendered his army at the Appomattox courthouse
  • Assassination

    On April 8,1865 President Lincoln was shot by john Wilkes Booth as he watched a play at ford's Theater. He died earlier that morning
  • Appomattax Courthouse

    Last fight of the civil war, the union gave grant an option to surrender and he did after the lost he took that day at the courthouse.
  • 15th amendment

    Guaranteed all men the right to vote