Historical Timeline of the American Dream timeline 1

  • John Smith founds the Jamestown colony

    John Smith founds the Jamestown colony
    This would have been located in modern day Virginia.
  • Slavery in America begins

    Slavery in America begins
    Slaves were brought and sold in America.
  • Revolutionary War begins

    Revolutionary War begins
    The colonies are going to war for their independence from Britain.
  • Revolutionary war ends

    Revolutionary war ends
    The colonies gain their independence.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington becomes the first president.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    Britain starts the Industrial Revolution.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The US government bought a lot of territory from France for $15 million.
  • Slave Trade ends

    Slave Trade ends
    The US bans slave trade but slavery is still legal.
  • Canning Food

    Canning Food
    French Scientist Nicolas Appert invents canning food, revolutionizing food storage.
  • Virginia slave rebellion

    Virginia slave rebellion
    Nat Turner staged a rebellion that killed over 50 people but failed in the end.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    A network of secret routs and safe houses to help salves to escape to areas they could be free.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Cherokee were forcibly moved out of their homeland and sent to a new territory. 4,000 people died on this journey.
  • The Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush
    People moved west in order to find gold.
  • Gadsden purchase

    Gadsden purchase
    The US bought present day southern Arizona and southern New Mexico.
  • A hospital for women and children

    A hospital for women and children
    This was the first hospital for women and children in the US. It was also a place for female doctors to work and train.
  • Abraham Lincoln is elected for president

    Abraham Lincoln is elected for president
    Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16 president of the US.
  • The Civil War starts

    The Civil War starts
    The Confederacy attacks the North starting the Civil War.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    This proclamation set all salves in the Confederacy free.
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends
    The Civil War ends with the surrender of Robert E Lee.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    President Lincoln was assassinated.
  • Slavery is prohibited

    Slavery is prohibited
    Congress ratifies the 13th amendment, prohibiting slavery.