Historical Timeline

By Jabria
  • Brown VS Board of Education

    A case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    A program that was created by the United States Department of Education to distribute funding to schools and school districts with a high percentage of students from low-income families.
  • Dr.King

    Martin Luther King Jr begins a drive to register black voters
  • Henry Marrow is murdered in a violent racially-motivated crime in Oxford, North Carolina

    Mr. Marrow a black man who lived in a segregated community, Marrow was beaten and shot by whites outside a local store. At the murder trial, an all-white jury was picked and the white guys was found not guilty.
  • 1st Black Manager

    Frank Robinson became 1st Black baseball manager (Cleve Indians)
  • Education for All Handicapped Children's Act

    This act required all public schools accepting funds from the goverment to provide equal access to education and one free meal a day for children with physical and mental disabilities. They also was required to come up with educational plans that was similar to non handicapped people to get the same possible experience as others.
  • bridge collapes

    32 people are killed and 1,674 injured when a bridge at the Sultan Abdul Halim ferry terminal collapses in Butterworth, Malaysia.
  • Americans With Disabilities Education Act

    To provide special needs and services to children with disabilities
  • Americans With Disabilities Act

    A law that prohibits No discrimination againist people with disabilities.
  • Angola's civil war ends

    The war began right after Angola became independent from Portugal in November 197
  • Rookie of the Year

    Tiger Woods wins Mercedes Championships in 1997
  • Reauthorization of Americans With Disabilities Education Act (becomes IDEA)

    To guarantee a free and appropriate public education to every child with a disability
  • First Lady in Office

    Hillary clinton becoming the first former First Lady to win public office in the United States, although actually she still was the First Lady.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind requires all public schools receiving funding from the government to administer a state-wide standardized test annually to all students . All students must take the same test under the same conditions.
  • 9/11

    Two passenger planes hijacked by terrorists crashes into New York's World Trade Towers causing the collapse of both & death of 2,752 people
  • Reauthorization of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Special education and related services should be designed to meet the unique learning needs of eligible children with disabilities, preschool through age 21.