• 1945

    Insan Fransisco 50 nations signed the united Nations
  • 1945

    The official ending of WW2 against japan
  • 1945

    The charter was ratified Ratified=made offical
  • 1945

    Australia joined the United nations
  • 1946

    The nov 16 1945 charter established UNESCO, united nations, education, scientific and cultural organisation, took effect after greece became 20th nation to ratify
  • 1948

    He was elected as president of general assebly of the UN on 21 sep 1948
  • 1948

    UN passed the universal declaration of human rights
  • 1950

    The korean war began
  • 1975

    international coninsion on the elm=ination of all resie
  • 1999

    Aust responding to the Uns request for it to established and lead INTERFET, an aust achivment with the UN
  • 2000

    Un developed guol to be achived by 2013