
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Manhattan Project started

    Manhattan Project started
    FDR authorizes the Manhattan Engineering District for the purpose of creating an atomic bomb. This would later be called the 'Manhattan Project'.
  • War declared against Japan

    War declared against Japan
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the United States enters World War II.
  • Leaders of the Project

    Leaders of the Project
    Colonel Leslie Groves is placed in charge of the Manhattan Project. J. Robert Oppenheimer becomes the Project's Scientific Director.
  • Japan Targeted

    Japan Targeted
    Japan becomes the primary target for any future atomic bomb according to the Military Policy Committee of the Manhattan Project.
  • Trinity Test

    Trinity Test
    The world's first atomic detonation takes place in the 'Trinity Test' at Alamogordo, New Mexico.
  • Truman's order

    Truman's order
    President Truman orders atomic bombs to be used.
  • Japan's fate

    Japan's fate
    Potsdam Declaration is rejected by Japan.
  • Hiroshima bombing

    Hiroshima bombing
    Carried by a plane named Enola Gay, Little Boy, a uranium bomb, is detonated over Hiroshima, Japan. It kills between 90,000 and 100,000 people immediately. Harry Truman's Press Release.
  • Nagasaki bombing

    Nagasaki bombing
    The second atomic bomb to hit Japan, Fat Man, was scheduled to be dropped at Kokura. However, because of poor weather the target was moved to Nagasaki.
  • Japan's surrender

    Japan's surrender
    Japan announces its formal surrender. This event was an important move in the Cold War because it immediatly ended the war with Japan and provided for the United States victory and revenge against Japan.