Pittsburgh steelers

Hines Ward

  • Hines Ward was Born

    Hines Ward was Born
    Hines Ward was born on March 8, 1976 in Seoul, South Korea.
  • Hines Ward attends College

    Hines Ward attends College
    Hines Ward attends to the University of Georgia.
  • NFL Draft

    NFL Draft
    Hines Ward was selected in the third round of the NFL Draft by the Pittsburgh Steelers.
  • Hines Ward to Pro Bowl

    Hines Ward to Pro Bowl
    Hines Ward was the first of four consecutive seasons named to the Pro Bowl.
  • Hines Ward Receptions

    Hines Ward Receptions
    Hines Ward was the Pittsburgh Steelers all-time in passing receptions.
  • Hines Ward MVP

    Hines Ward MVP
    Hines Ward was named the MVP for the year after the Steelers had won the Superbowl.
  • Hines Wards Donates

    Hines Wards Donates
    Hines Ward donated million to his new foundation called "The Helping Hand."