Hindi Class - Learning Complex Sentences

  • Introduction to Hindi

    Introduction to Hindi
    Introduction to Hindi, basic class syllabus, get to know all students in the class,
  • Learn Hindi Alphabet

    Learn Hindi Alphabet
    First exposure to the alphabet, vowels. Review the letters in class and home
  • Letter Association

    Letter Association
    Use letters to begin to create 2-3 letter words. Simple word association, and small exposure to basic hindi sentences
  • Basic Hindi Review - Quiz 1

    Basic Hindi Review - Quiz 1
    Quiz 1 in Hindi class. Review of vowels, consonants, and basic 2 letter words.
  • Complex words

    Complex words
    Learn how to use vowels in different words, create longer words, and basic exposure to simple sentences
  • Simple Sentences

    Simple Sentences
    Start using complex words to create simple sentences (name, where you live, age, major, etc.)
  • Group Project (in class presentation) - Midterm pt 1

    Group Project (in class presentation) - Midterm pt 1
    Group project assigned to complete in class. Use in class activities, worksheets, and study guide to do an oral presentation for midterm 1
  • Complex sentences introduction

    Complex sentences introduction
    Use simple sentences and complex words to begin forming complex sentences
  • Complex Sentence group project

    Complex Sentence group project
    Oral presentation using complex sentences. Work in groups to create conversation topic. Must be atleast 5-6 minutes
  • Complex Sentence exam

    Complex Sentence exam
    Quiz on complex sentences. Must be able to read and write sentences answering the questions asked on quiz. Translate paragraphs written in english in hindi. And answer questions after listening to an audio tape recording.