Hilary Putnam

  • Birthdate, Place, Famous Establishments

    Birthdate, Place, Famous Establishments
  • Varieties of Realism

    Varieties of Realism
    According to Putnam, internal and external realism occupy a respective position in relation to our comprehensive capability. The internal reality, the one we are perceiving stands true as a reality we are placed under and all facts and observations within it are true. External reality composed of the same factors, rules, and definitions are all in its own right truthful.
  • Twin Earth Thought Experiment

    Twin Earth Thought Experiment
    Assuming there are two identical Earth that possess an alternative space and time, the definitions within twin Earth in relation to ours can be unfamiliar. A famous thought experiments takes upon the meaning of a water molecule. Water molecules are commonly known as H20. If twin Earth's people identified the water as XYZ, which of the two terms are correct? By definition of each world of their own, both XYZ and H20 are both applicable.
  • Realism and Meaning

    Realism and Meaning
    Hilary Putnam view realism and meaning to be interconnected. To be able to understand something, it must be examined under certain condition and context. A sentence can be fundamentally correct, but are the property in a sentence means the same to every observer's point of view? The realism in his perspective must be objective, being either true or false when it comes to certain views that are taken into account (theories, belief, etc.).
  • Brain in a Vat

    Brain in a Vat
    Suppose we are in a simulation formed by a reality that is made to enforce a different reality upon our brain experience. It is tricky to prove the aspects of our real-life events genuine due to our restricted knowledge of reality. Refutation of this claim is common since we can't test and prove it right or wrong. If we can observe the external world to ours, how can we know that world isn't another simulation?
  • Death date and place

    Passed away at Arlington, Massachusetts.