
Imre Lakatos (November 9, 1922 - February 2, 1974)

  • Period: to

    Lifespan of Imre Lakatos

    Born in Debrecen, Hungary. Passed in London, England
  • Proofs and Refutations Part 1

    This was a series of four articles that gave thought to the developments in mathematics being similar to science development as described by Popper. The book critiques "formalist" philosophies.
    These dialogues were combined with another book to be published after his passing in 1976 as a "part two" to this series. Musgrave, Alan, and Charles Pigden. “Imre Lakatos.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 4 Apr. 2016,
  • Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes (MSRP)

    Lakatos was able to take Popper's Demarcation Criterion and revise the work into a more realistic theory of scientific rationality. Lakatos incoorporated Kuhn's paradigm cycle into the programme and sought to bridge the theories of Popper and Kuhn. Musgrave, Alan, and Charles Pigden. “Imre Lakatos.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 4 Apr. 2016,
  • Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge

    The most popular of the "Conference Proceedings," this is where the MSRP was published. Logico-methodologica was developed to replace Kuhn's socio-phsychological tools. Lakatos thought there to be more than one competing research programmes, unlike Kuhn's singular paradigm. Musgrave, Alan, and Charles Pigden. “Imre Lakatos.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 4 Apr. 2016,
  • Falsification and Intellectual Honesty

    Part of a series of eight lectures on the scientific method at the London School of Economics, this audio clip is one of the few surviving from these 1973 lectures. Audio Lecture by Lakatos on Falsification and Intellectual Honesty “Lakatos.” London School of Economics and Political Science, 13 Feb. 2017,
  • Proofs and Refutations Part 2

    Philosophy of mathematics, one of Lakatos specialties. This book emphasized the importance of questioning and challenging the formulas and discoveries are not final. Mann, K.P. “Proof and Refutations.” Berkeley,