Helen Longino

  • Birth

  • Science as Social Knowledge

    In her book, Longino explains science should be treated as a social practice. She also explains how the social concept of science dictates theories and how theories are created. "Longino, Helen." Feminist Philosophies A-Z, Nancy McHugh, Edinburgh University Press, 1st edition, 2007. Credo Reference, https://search-credoreference-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/content/entry/edinburghfem/longino_helen/0. Accessed 10 Nov. 2019.
  • Period: to

    Breaking Gender Norms

    Longino continues to outline problems concerning science regarding gender. Longino writes "Taking Gender Seriously in Philosophy of Science", explaining how race, gender, and social class change science as a social structure.
  • The Fate of Knowledge

    "In her 2002 book The Fate of Knowledge Longino again studies the social nature of scientific practice arguing that those debates in philosophy of science that seek to focus on the rational nature of science or the social nature of science are failing to understand that what we call scientific knowledge or science’s cognitive capacities are themselves social or interactive. Furthermore, Longino argues that scientific knowledge needs to be studied in its complex local contexts."