Healthy living through the decades

By sydz
  • YOU TURN 20

    YOU TURN 20
  • Healthy habits

    Healthy habits
    Eat a healthy diet to reduce the chance of heart disease. Maintain a healthy weigh by exercising regularly and limiting how much fast food you eat. And don't look over important nutrients such as protein, calcium, healthy omega-3 fats, etc. Don't smoke, it will reduce your chances of getting lung cancer, and avoid any and all illegal substances, and keep the alcohol consumption in moderation. And NEVER drink and drive, there are always other safer alternatives.
  • Preventing illness

    Preventing illness
    You can prevent illnesses by using good hygiene, such as bathing, and brushing teeth daily can prevent illnesses, especially washing your hands frequently and not touching your face. And having a primary care provider (doctor, dentist, etc.) can help you prevent illnesses and stay healthy too.
  • Get regular medical check ups

    Get regular medical check ups
    Visit your doctors every 2 years, women should visit gynecologist, get a clinical breast exam, and pap test. Men need regular testicular exams, and should perform regular self exams. You should also get your teeth cleaned and checked every 6 months to a year. And report anything unusual. And you also need to know your BMI, and get regular eye checks.
  • Preventing health problems

    Preventing health problems
    In your 20's is when your bone mass peaks so it is important to do exercises that build bone such as hiking. It's also to do some kind of exercise daily to maintain a healthy weight, and to limit the amount of fast food you consume as well. You should also protect your eyes and skin from the suns harmful rays, to reduce the chances of vision problems, premature aging, and skin cancer. Indoor tanning is better for your health easier, so it is safer to avoid those all together.
  • Mental health in your 20's

    Mental health in your 20's
    With big changes, new jobs, and independence, it can be stressful. Take actions to reduce stress. And report to your doctor if you show signs of depression, or other mental illnesses.
  • Sexual health in your 20's

    Sexual health in your 20's
    Practice safe sex, and go in for HIV screening
  • Reduce risks in your 20's

    Reduce risks in your 20's
    Take actions to reduce risk of injuring yourself. Some of the common ways to get injured in you 20's are in motor vehicle accidents, such as car accidents are the top cause of death in this age group. Along with falling, overexertion, injuries doing sports, including drowning, attempting suicide and homicide, accidents that are work related, poisoning, drug over dose, food poisoning, and violence. Take precautions to reduce these risks, such as getting proper rest, wearing a seatbelt, etc.
  • YOU TURN 30

    YOU TURN 30
  • Healthy eating in your 30's

    Healthy eating in your 30's
    Metabolism slows down when you're in your 30's, and it becomes more difficult to lose weight, so maintaining a healthy weight is important. Eating healthy, balanced meals can help you keep a healthy weight and help you feel good as well as staying healthy, eating more fruits and vegetables and whole grains will do just that.
  • Exercise

    With your metabolism slowing down it's important to exercise, and not only that exercising can have many benefits such as helping you look and feel better, and reduces chance of heart disease and certain kinds of cancer. It is recommended that you exercise 30 to 60 minutes every day, and you can do so by finding things you enjoy, like running or swimming.
  • Health problem prevention

    Health problem prevention
    If you do the following, it can help you prevent getting ill:
    -Don't smoke or quit smoking
    -Protect yourself from the sun, using sunscreen and staying in the shade as much as possible
    -Don't have more than 1 or 2 drinks of alcohol per day
    -Avoid all illegal substances and drugs
    -Reduce stress
    -Visit your health care provider regularly
  • Preventing injuries

    Preventing injuries
    Make sure you have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on every floor and bathroom, wear your seatbelt at all times and NEVER drink and drive. Always wear a helmet on a motor cycle or bicycle. Don't over use injuries, and use caution to reduce risks of water related injuries and drowning
  • Health concerns

    Health concerns
    Take care of your reproductive and sexual health, and ask a doctor about STD/HIV prevention. Care for skin, by using sunscreen, and maybe even a moisturizer twice a day. Pay attention to your back and any back pain you might have, and have proper posture, and do weight lifting correctly. And don't to forget to build muscle, your bodies will want to replace muscle with fat, and building muscle can prevent that.
  • YOU TURN 40

    YOU TURN 40
  • Staying healthy

    Staying healthy
    Eating healthy and balanced meals can help you stay healthy along with sleeping and exercising regularly, wearing a seatbelt, and not/quit smoking.
  • Common health concerns

    Common health concerns
    Chronic pain, stress, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and homocysteine levels, resting heart rate, blood glucose, body mass index, osteoporosis, anxiety and depression, sexual and reproductive health, skin problems, hair loss, and change in vision are all common health problems people in their 40's face.
  • Health care recommendations

    Health care recommendations
    Seeing you health care providers regularly can help you stay healthy and prevent any major problems that may occur. It's recommended to visit you health care providers to get regular check ups, dental exams and cleaning, eye exams, blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, baseline skin exam, baseline EKG, colorectal cancer screening, and immunizations.
  • YOU TURN 50

    YOU TURN 50
  • Staying healthy

    Staying healthy
    Now more than ever is important to take care of you health, by making healthy choices with what you eat and how much you exercise, and you need to take care of your mental and emotional health as well
  • Healthy lifestyle

    Healthy lifestyle
    Eating healthy and patin attention to your nutrition is important, such as cutting back on sodium. Also remember to stay active and get 30-60 minutes of exercise as many days of the week as possible, this will help reduce your risk of osteoporosis, and help you maintain a healthy weight. Other steps to stay healthy are to not smoke, get enough sleep, reduce stress, and don't drink a lot of alcohol.
  • Health concerns

    Health concerns
    The following are common health concerns you may have when you're 50:
    Abnormal blood sugar levels, anxiety, cancer, vision changes, chronic pain, depression, digestive issues, erectile dysfunction, hair and hearing loss, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, menopause, skin and thyroid problems
  • Health care recommendations

    Health care recommendations
    It is highly recommended to visit your health care provider to get a physical, dental and eye exam, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and colorectal cancer screening and immunizations
  • YOU TURN 60

    YOU TURN 60
  • Staying healthy

    Staying healthy
    Quit smoking it will really be beneficial in later years, protect your heart because you are more at risk of heart disease. Maintain a healthy weight, overweight and obesity is very common, and by exercising, you can help control that. Eating healthy is very important as you get older, so be sure to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grain, and low fat dairy products.
  • Health concerns

    Health concerns
    When you get older, you are more at risk of certain health problems such as heart disease, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, bone loss, cancer, incontinence, etc.
  • Why you should see your health care provider

    Why you should see your health care provider
    It is important to visit your personal health care provider to get proper exams such as flu vaccine, blood pressure screening, bone density test, colonoscopy, dental exam, eye exam hepatitis, pap test, pelvic exam, PSA tests, and shingles.