Blonde angel thumb

Health Timeline

  • Birth

    I was born healthy
  • health triangle

    health triangle
    she doesn't have any friends going into preschool and now when she goes into she makes a new friend
  • Home w/ The Flu

    Home w/ The Flu
    I can drink lots of water, rest, and eat healthly food. You can prevent it by washing your hands, getting the vacine, and keeping up on sleep
  • stressful event

    stressful event
    I had a really big test at the end of eighth grade, and I would stress eat. I gained like 20 lbs. My healthy stress mode would be breathing and remaining calm
  • Heart Disease

    Heart Disease
    I am going to eat healthier so I can be more active, my blood pressure won't be as high, I have a more stable heart rate, and my heart attack won't happen
  • Family is Smoking again

    Family is Smoking again
    I'm worried she is going to be addicted, and lose money, she may get lung cancer, and her kidney's may begin to fail
  • Puberty

    An increase in memory, and cognition
  • Best Friend Drinking

    Best Friend Drinking
    I am worried she will make bad desicions, she will become a alcholic, she may get alchohol poisining, and she may suffer from high blood pressure
  • Drunk Driving

    Drunk Driving
    Don't drink and drive because you are not as aware as you are when you are sober, and your reflexes are not as quick
  • signifacnt loss

    signifacnt loss
    she lost her grandma. She didn't wanna believe it at frist then she began to cry. She was angry at everyone for a while. She finally believes that she will be fine without her grandma. She begins to feel depressed alot and nothing makes her happy. she thinks about how she could have saved her grandma even though it was impossible. she accepts the fact that her grandmother is gone iand now has hope for a future