Health Care

  • First case of HIV

    HIV first originated in the late 1940's to early 1950's.
  • AIDS/HIV 1981

    AIDS/HIV 1981
    New York times reported cases of Kaposi's Sarcoma, which had affected 41 gay men.
  • AIDS/HIV 1982

    AIDS/HIV 1982
    The first AIDS clinic was opened in San Francisco.
  • AIDS/HIV 1983

    AIDS/HIV 1983
    Sa Francisco Hospital opened a dedicated AIDS ward.
  • AIDS/HIV 1984

    AIDS/HIV 1984
    The organization AIDS Action was formed.
  • AIDS/HIV 1985

    AIDS/HIV 1985
    US Congress raised $70 million for AIDS research.
  • AIDS/HIV 1986

    AIDS/HIV 1986
    Nstional Minority AIDS council was formed.
  • AIDS/HIV 1987

    AIDS/HIV 1987
    First human testing, vaccine against HIV.
  • AIDS/HIV 1988

    AIDS/HIV 1988
    Federal funds for prevention of AIDS, educationg and testing.
  • AIDS/HIV 1989

    AIDS/HIV 1989
    Number of reported AIDS in the US reached 100,000.