
Health assignment

  • Period: to

    My 20th-29th revolution around the sun

    I will continue to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and not use any drugs, smoke or drink excessively. I will try to sleep enough, but medical school can get pretty rough sometimes. I will get regular check ups and focus on my mental health more.
  • Period: to

    My 30th-39th years on planet Earth

    I will start watching what I eat more, and focus on key nutrients like calcium. I will exercise regularly and not do any harmful practices like smoking. I will try to reduce stress as much as possible and get regular health checkups.
  • Period: to

    Getting Older! My 40th - 49th years of age

    I will stay active and exercise, but at a less rigorous level now. I will eat healthy and get check ups.
  • Period: to

    Yowzers!!! I'm old now. Ages 50-59

    Now that I am officially an old person, I will stay active, maintain a healthy weight, and eat healthy. I will also make an effort to reduce stress.
  • Period: to

    Living that #retiredlife! Ages 60-69

    Being an old person is fun, but it comes with some side effects. I need to eat a lot of calcium to fight bone density loss. I also need to keep active and exercise, but not push myself too far. I will also watch things like cholesterol and fat in my diet. I will continue to see my physician regularly.