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Headphone History

By fattyg
  • First Headphones invented

    First Headphones invented
    First headphones were invented by Nathaniel Baldwin and sold to US Navy.
  • Raidio Headphones invented

    Raidio Headphones invented
    Raidio headphones were the first headphones ever created. The history of raidio headphones all started with the telephone. Headphones in the early 1900s consisted of moving iron transducers. Sound was carried across the telephone lines in the form of electrical impulses, making the iron transducers move at the receiving end, transmitting sound.
  • First Dynamic Headphones invented

    First Dynamic Headphones invented
    The first dynamic headphones were invented by a german company called Beyerdynamic.
  • Sterio Headphones

    Although stereo was invented in the 1930s, it wasn't commercially available only until the mid-1950s. Raidio headphones were large and not easily adjusted, making them extremely uncomfortable, which made them easy to replace when stereo became the dominant form of electronic audio.
  • New Sterio Headphones

    New Sterio Headphones
    The advent of stereo ushered in an era of change for the history of headphones. Early stereo headphones replaced raidio headphones with plastic cones. From there, John Koss invested in refining stereo headphones, moving the technology along to a microphone transducer and eventually to the first pair of electrostatic headphones. Advances in technology during the 60s, specifically by John Koss's company, Koss, made it possible to develop smaller headphones that had better quality audio playback.
  • Walkman changes Headphones

    Walkman changes Headphones
    In the 1980s, Sony developed the Walkman: a portable music device you could carry with you to listen to your favorite tunes. Since the Walkman was portable, stereo headphones evolved to become smaller and more easily transported. The completely enclosed circumaural design faded away, to be replaced by a supra-aural design that sat lightly over the ears, with only a little foam padding to protect the ears.
  • Earbuds

    In the 1990's earbuds came out, which revolutionized the headphone undustry. Having the sound go directly into your ear increased the quality of the sound.