HD TImeline 1919-1939

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    Lenin believed that the government needed to be changed. Lenin became the dictator of Russia and made the changes that he wanted by making it a Communist state.
  • Weimar Republic

    A German Democratic state
    • Economic
  • Benito Mussolini

    set up the first European fascist movment in italy. Mussolini began his political career as a Socialist. in 1919 he created a new political group, or the league of Combat.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Delegates met in Paris in early 1919 t odetermine the peace settlement.
  • Ruhr Valley

    The French and British Got upset when Germany couldn't pay what they were supoose to so they went to Germanys mines and took it and said this ours and took it.
  • New Economic Policy

    Lenin abandoned wat and created the NEP this was a modified version of the old system. Peasents were able to sell their produce openly, Retail storys were allowed to be privetly own and it just made Russia a better place.
  • Nazi party

    It was when Hitler wanted to take power that the nazi force who used to be a political party got started. It started out with about 55,000 people with 15,000 in the party Militia, and ended up being made of over 5 million Nazis -Military: They used there force to get what they want.
  • Reparations

    The money the Germans half to pay to the countrys that they fought in WW1.
    - Economic
  • Inflation

    This was were Germany printed way more money then they had gold so the money was worthless.
  • Fascism

    it was a political Philosphy which emphasized the need for a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler.
  • Soviet Union

    The S.U was created by Lenin, and the Communists to creat a new state
  • Dawes Plan

    is named aftet the American banker who chaired the commission, first reduced reparations. It he coordinated Germany's annual payment with its ability to pay. It also granted an initial 200 million dallar loan for Germanys recovery
  • Treaty of Locarno

    The treaties gave way to a sense of global goodwill -Economic: a sence of goodwill and peace the trade and stocks should go up
  • Joseph Stalin

    Came into power after lenin died and put people in camps who disagreed on his desictions
  • Five-Year Plan

    Set economic goals for five-year periods
    • Economics
  • Collectivization

    a system in which private farms were eliminated
  • Great Depression

    The Great Depression started when the stock markets crashed, and people where withdrawing money from all over the world.
    There was also an overproduction of farm products so there was a lot poor produce made then there was need for the produce which caused the farms to shut down.
  • New Deal

    the New Deal was made by Franklin Delano Roosevelt after he won his election. The New Deal is a policy of active government economic intervention.
  • Enabling Act

    This law gave the government the power to ignore the constitution for four years while it issued laws to deal with the country's problems
  • The Nazi State

    The nazi state came to be when Germany switched over to Nazi power and control
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    He was a WW1 veteren and after he got sent to jail in 1923 he had alot of time to think and plan, His long time goals where to take over Europe and make a perfect race.
  • Heinrich Himmler

    He was in charge of the SS or Hitlers Secret Police Force -Military: he is puting people in charge of or others.
  • Schutzstaffeln (SS)

    Hitlers, some what bodyguards, and new police force Hilter made up.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    These were the laws that clasified you as a jew
  • Francisco Franco

    Franco was in the military and was the Europeans youngest General. He was one of the Generals in the Spanish civil war and was supported by alot of people. He won and captured Madrid in 1939. After that he started his own dictatorship.
  • Nuremberg Party Rallies

    These used demonstrations and spectacles to make the German people an instrument of Hitlers policies
  • Concentration Camps

    These were camps were people who disobeyed Hitler's rules or Jews who were captured.
  • Kristallnacht

    Or known as the Night of Broken Glass was a pogrom against Jews throughout Nazi Germany