

  • Period: 200 to 500

    Polynesians arrive in Hawaii

    The first people that we have record of inhabiting the island of Hawaii. IN a sense the original natives.
  • Captain James Cook Discovers Hawaii

    Captain James Cook Discovers Hawaii
    Capatain Cook a British commander discovers the islands of Oahu and Kauai. He named Hawaii the sandwhich islands after the Earl of Sandwhich.
  • Kamehameha conqures Hawaii

    Kamehameha conqures Hawaii
    Kamehameha I conqures the islands of Maui, Lanai, Molokai and Oahu.
  • Cows are brought to Hawaii

    Cows are brought to Hawaii
    Captain George Vancouver brings cows from California to Hawaii
  • Kamehameha unifies Hawaii

    Kamehameha unifies Hawaii
    Kamehameha unifies Hawaii after negotiating peace with the island of Kauai.
  • Hawaiian Flag is Born

    Hawaiian Flag is Born
    The Flag of Hawaii is created by King Kamehameha the flag that was created is now the state flag today.
  • Kamehameha II Takes control and the destruction of heiau

    Kamehameha II takes control in 1819 and ordered the destruction of all heiau and ended idol worship. He ruled along with his wife.
  • U.S enters treaty with Hawaii

  • Mosquitos and Catholic Missionaries Arrive

    Mosquitos and Catholic Missionaries Arrive
    IN 1827 a u.s whaling ship called the "Wellington" brings mosquitos to Hawaii acccidently. Becaus eof the UNssucessful voyage they were carrying wate rinstead of fat. They dumped the mosquito infested water in a river and replaced there water. UNknowingly releasing mosquitos into the habitat of Hawaii. Also CAtholic Missionaries arrive in Hawaii at the same time.
  • Catholic Missioanries are forced to leave Hawaii

    Catholic Missioanries are forced to leave Hawaii
    Catholic missionaries are forced to leave Hawaii or be imprisioned.
  • The Honolulu Poice Force is created

    The Honolulu Poice Force is created
    King Kamehameha III Creates the Honolulu polic force
  • Kamehameha III creates the first Hawaiian constitution

    Kamehameha III creates the first Hawaiian constitution that gives the Hawaiians the freedom of worship. The U.S President John Tyler recognises the Kingdom of Hawaii.
  • French Invasion Fails

    French Invasion Fails
    French admiral Legoarant de Tromelin fails in attempted invasion of the Islands of Hawaii
  • Honolulu Becomes Captial

    Honolulu Becomes Captial
    Kamehameha III declares Honolulu to be the Captial of Hawaii and it still is to this day.
  • Hawaii Becomes U.S teritory

    Hawaii becomes a U.S teritory in 1900.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanes attack the UNited States Naval base of the coast of HAwaii. This brings America into WWII.
  • Hawaii becomes a state

    Congress passes the Hawaii Admission Act to admit Hawaii as an American State. Statehood
  • Site of the Pro Bowl

    Site of the Pro Bowl
    in 1980 The NFL (National Football League) decided that the annual Pro Bowl (The All Star Game) game, A GAme in which the best players from the NFC and the AFC play one game against each other, would be played in Hawaii. It has been played in Hawaii ever since.
  • Period: to Apr 3, 1200

    More people this time from Tahiti Come to the Island

    New people arrive at Hawaii to settle