Hatian Revolution

  • Dec 6, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus landed on the northern coast of what he calles Hispanola and established the first European settlement in that portion of the world. The Spanish colony was called Saint Domingo.
  • Saint-Domingue

    After years of battling and settling in the new lands, the Treaty of Ryswick was formed and ended the was, giving France official control on the western thrid of Hispanola, known as Saint-Domngue.
  • Slaves

    In the 1700's Saint-Domingue was a very large exporting colony and relied greatly on Africa's supply of slaves to do their laborious work.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Rveolution begins, people on the islands get ideas from the changes being fought for in France
  • Equal Rights

    Equal Rights
    The Affrancis, free people of color, begin to demand equal rights to the whites off of the ideas from The Declaration Of the Rights of Man the Citizen created by the french.
  • Dutty Boukman

    Dutty Boukman
    Dutty Boukman, a voodoo priest and rebel leader, started slave revolts. Plantations were set on fire and slave revolts began in other parts of the island
  • revolts

    White colonists refuse to give blacks rights on island, causing slaves and affrancis to revolt
  • Invasion

    After France is names republic, Austria, Prussia, Spain, and Britain sent armies to contain the revolution. Spain and Britian began to invade Saint-Domingue
  • Louverture

    Slave rebel leader, Toussaint Louverture, joined French side of the Revolution and fight for land
  • Spanish leave

    Spanish leave
    After losing a few battles in Europe and the Carribbean, the Spanish sign a treatie with the French and leave the island
  • English Leave

    English Leave
    Louverture and Andre Riguad, a rebel leader, rid the island of the British
  • War of Knives

    War of Knives
    Louverture and Riguad have a disagreement in whose interests should be promoted in their new society; Louvertures black supporters or Riguads wealthy affrancis. The war of knives occurs for over a year, eventually having Louverture win
  • New Constitution

    New Constitution
    Louverture creates a new contitiution for Haiti that gives all citizens equal rights and gets rid of slavery, though outlaws Voodoo, the religion of the majority. Saint-Domingue is still not independent from France
  • War for Independence

    War for Independence
    The French invade Saint-Domingue and half of Haitian citizens fought for the French because they were angry at Louverture and his constitution. The people did not know that the French wanted to put slavery back in place. Louverture is exiled to France and dies.
  • War for Independence continued

    War for Independence continued
    the French reinstated slavery in some of the colonies and tell the people of Saint-Domingue if they stop fighting and create peace, that there will be no slavery
  • Dessaline

    Dessaline takes over after Louverture and builds up a stronger resistance to France. Uses the scorched Earth policy, burn all land, against the French in attempts to win
  • After Revolution

    After Revolution
    Dessalines crowns himself Haitian emperor and abolishes slavery and gives natural rights to all people in his constitution. According to this constitution, white foreigners cannot own land in Haiti and everyone is considered black. European countries isolate Haiti and refuse to trade with them. Haiti is effected by the isolation and revolution to present day