Haruka Kawano

By Hxk7831
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    This is the event that took many ideas from the early civilization of Greece and Rome. This is important because it was the first event that people realized and addressed everyone are all equals.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    This is the event when the United States of America were created. This event is important because this is the time when the America be independent and right to have freedom.
  • U.S Constitution

    U.S Constitution
    This is the event that replaced the Articles of Confederation. This event is important because this is the result of separation of 3 branches judicial, executive, and legislative.
  • 9th Amendment

    9th Amendment
    This is the amendments that protects right that is not written. This amendment is important because it tells people that even though some rights are not written doesn’t mean people don’t have that.
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    This is the amendment that power is always through the constitution. This is important because it limits power of the federal government and protects states and people.
  • First Amendment

    First Amendment
    This is the amendment that protects individual rights and freedom. This amendment is important because it protects fundamental rights to be American.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    All amendments are in this. This is important because all amendments that protects rights are in this Bill of Rights.
  • Capital changed

    Capital changed
    This is the event that the United States capital changed Philadelphia to Washington D.C. This event is important because from that day, large country’s capital had been Washington D.C.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    This is the event that the United States paid France $15 millions for the Louisiana territory. This event is important because the United States expanded its land and doubled its size.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    This is the war that is caused by restricting on the US trading. This event is important because the US took on the greatest naval power in the world.
  • Spain cede Florida to the US

    Spain cede Florida to the US
    This is the event that Spain agrees to cede Florida to the United States. This event is important because now Florida is one of the most popular place to visit in the United States.
  • Democracy in the America

    Democracy in the America
    It had 5 values he found important to American’s success. This event is important because it was the result of people’s equality except for slaves and native Americans.
  • The Mexican War

    The Mexican War
    This is the war that happened between United States and Mexico from 1846 to 1848. This event is important because texas was the first place that mission to Mexico.
  • American Civil War

    American Civil War
    Civil War is a war between the north and the south. This event is important because it was the result of African American enslaved.
  • Ended slavely

    Ended slavely
    This is the event when slavely ends in the United States. This event is important because this is the day when African American became free.