Hartman 5th Hour timeline

  • Mar 26, 1400


    a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.
  • Paul Cezanne

    He saw painting in more abstract terms as the construction and arrangement of colour on a two-dimensional surface
  • Modern Art

    Modern art includes artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the style and philosophy of the art produced during that era
  • African Art

    The Cubists believed that the traditions of Western art had become exhausted and another remedy they applied to revitalize their work was to draw on the expressive energy of art from other cultures, especially African art.
  • Synthetic cubism

    Influenced by the introduction of bold and simple collage shapes, Synthetic Cubism moved away from the unified monochrome surfaces of Analytic Cubism to a more direct, colourful and decorative style.
  • Analytical cubism

    Cubism had two distinct phases. The early phase which lasted until about 1912 was called Analytical Cubism.
  • Abstract Art

    Cubism is the first style of abstract art. Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world
  • Cubism

    Cubism was a truly revolutionary style of modern art developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque
  • Pablo Picaso and George Braque

    Pablo and Georfge devoloped cubism
  • Viewpoint

    a technique of depicting volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface.