Not good enough bulimia picture

Hallie's Bulimia

  • The First Purge

    The First Purge
    Tonight, Hallie's boyfriend pinched at her thighs and commented about how she should start exercising more often. Hallie, devastated, came home and ate until her stomach hurt. Half of the cake left on the counter, crackers, ice cream, leftover chinese food, and more. She looked down at her bloated stomach, and ran to the bathroom. She got on her knees, opened the lid to the toilet, and stuck her finger to the back of her throat. She knew this was just a one time thing.
  • The Second Purge

    The Second Purge
    Hallie had a tough day at school. A girl from fourth block taunted her about the outfit she was wearing and how it was too tight. After school, she went home, ate everything in sight and then threw up for the second time. She thought it was no big deal, it was only two times, and it would be the last.
  • Becoming Routine

    Becoming Routine
    Hallie now binges and purges once a day. Every day after school is when it happens. It's the only time she has the house to herself, and her mom will not hear her throwing up. She rushes home to get it done. She knows it's wrong, but it's still not that many times, she will stop soon. Plus, she has begun to feel cranky and nauseas if she eats without throwing up now.
  • The First Catch

    The First Catch
    Today, Hallie came home as usual after school to binge and purge. It is now not enough to do it just once in a day. She now throws up in the school bathroom after lunch, at home after school, and up to three times after dinner. Later in the day, she thought her mother had gone to the store when she began throwing up. She then heard a concerned knock on the bathroom door. "Hallie, are you okay?" "Yes, mom, I've been nauseas all day." (A lie.) "Okay baby, let me know if you need anything."
  • Hallie's Boyfriend Approves

    Hallie's Boyfriend Approves
    "Hey, Hall," said Anthony.
    "You've lost some weight, I can tell. You look really good, babe."
    "Thanks, Ant." Hallie finally started to feel pretty and confident about herself. She thought she just needed to lose like ten more pounds and then she'd be the perfect size.
  • The First Side Effects

    The First Side Effects
    Hallie is now down fifteen pounds. She throws up about six times a day--and every day. Tonight is her birthday, and her parents were taking her out for a nice dinner. When she got home, she threw up the expensive dinner, and felt a burning in her chest. The pain was so intense that she couldn't even sleep. She thought she was having a heart attack. She rushed into her Mom's room and begged to be taken to the hospital.
  • Realization

    Over the past week, Hallie has been to five doctor appointments, and none of them could figure out why she'd been having so much pain in her stomach. She was scared, so she finally told her mom what she'd been doing for the past few months, and she has an endoscopy tomorrow. She will be put on acid reducers for now. Hallie is starting to regret her choices, but realizes that they are second nature by now.
  • The First Appointment

    The First Appointment
    Hallie has realized that she has a problem. She knows that she needs to change, but she knows that it will be easier to do with someone to talk to about her situation. Today is Hallie's first psychological appointment with Dr. Rose. She will see Doctor Rose to stay on the right path and to manage her wellness and her recovery process.
  • Recovery

    It has been three weeks since Hallie last purged. She still has trouble controlling her binging, so she's gained about eleven pounds in three weeks. Her endoscopy came back normal. Now, she goes to a psychologist and her mom keeps a close watch on her after meals. She still gets the urge to purge, but has been able to keep herself from doing it even when the urge is strong.