Thomas jefferson

Growth of America

  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was an Americn Founding Father and member of the Declaration of Independence who became the third President of the United States of America. He was born in April 13,1743.
  • Barbary Pirates

    The Colonists were being protected from the Barbary Pirates during the First Barbary war when the states were British Colonies. After the Thirteen Colonies won their Independence and freedom, the Barbary Pirates were capturing many places constantly.
    Jefferson started paying tribute to the Pirates since the year of 1785.
  • Election of 1800

    During this election, republican candidates were constantly earning college votes. But Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr the same amount of college votes. In February 17th from the 1801, Jefferson was elected as President and Burr was elected as Vice President.
  • Jefferson's Presidency

    Since Jefferson was elected as the third President of the Unites States of America, he had a debt of 83 million dollars.
    He began dismantling Alexander Hamilton's federalist system with
    Albert Gallatin's help. Jefferson's administration began to end the
    taxes after closing "Unnecessary Offices".
  • Louisinana Purchase

    During this purchase, Jefferson was being concerned that Napoleon's interests are able to threaten the security of the Mississippi River shipping. After the Louisiana Purchase, he preserved a region for Spain's legal code and believed that a new rule would be necessary for the new nation.
  • Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act started was started in the year of 1807 which meant that any exports of the United States of America was illegal. Thomas Jefferson started recommending the Congress to respond with commercial warfare, rather than military mobilization.