Greta thunberg

Greta Thunberg's life

  • Birth

    Greta Thunberg was born on the 3rd of January of 2003, in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.
  • Hears about climate change

    Hears about climate change
    When this happened she was 8 years old and she was sad that nobody was doing anything to improve the situation.
  • Depression

    She was very worried about climate change, and she lost 10 k in two months due to her depression.
  • Diagnosed with asperger syndrome, ocd and selective mutism.

    Diagnosed with asperger syndrome, ocd and selective mutism.
    She was diagnosed with many syndromes, but that didn't stop her from helping.
  • School strike

    School strike
    She went on a school strike for three weeks. She sat in front of the Riksdag, held the sign that said Skolstrejk för klimatet and waited until the next eleccions, to pressure the Swedish government to reduce carbon emissions.
  • Greta talks in the United Nations Climate Change Action Summit in New York

    Greta talks in the United Nations Climate Change Action Summit in New York
    Donald Trump didn’t approve of her speech and replied on twitter with a very childish disapproval, which Greta later responded to with a message that left him speechless.
  • Covid-19 pandemic

    Covid-19 pandemic
    She has adapted to the Covid-19 pandemic, but never stopped fighting.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Greta was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, along with Alexei Navalny, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Stacey Abrams.