Start of the Great Migration
Scholars mark 1915 as the start of the Great Migration. -
Period: to
Great Migration and beyond
America enters WWI
WWI ends
African Americans who fought in the war come home with new expectations of how they should be treated. -
Stock Market Crash of 1929
The Great Depression would have harsh economic consequences for African Americans. -
Claude Neal lynching
Ida Mae leaves Mississippi for Chicago
Pearl Harbor Attacks
George Starling leaves Florida for Harlem
Robert Foster leaves Monroe for California
Brown v. Board of Education
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) is overtuned and racial segreation in schools is ruled unconstitutional. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This ends discrimination against blacks and women as well as racial segregation. -
MLK killed, riots break out in many US cities
Crack epidemic begins
This drug epidemic lasts until 1994. It destroys black communities and families. -
Barack Obama assumes office