Goals of the Progressive Movement

  • Period: to

    Progressive movement

  • Massachusetts is the first state to outlaw child labor

    In this year children 15 and under were required to go to school for at least 3 months of the year.
  • Women Sufferage Meet

    This marked the first day when the women activists would meet in America. The American Woman Sufferage Association would eventually form, and this meeting was a very important step in the progress towards the equal rights that women were looking for. There were a couple hundred women who showed to this meeting and they all were determined to be equal to men and to be able to vote. This association would end up making a very large difference for women and for people in general.
  • First State to Allow Women to Vote

    Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote. The next state was Utah in 1870, There wasn't another state to allow this until 1890.
  • Jane Addams created the Hull House

    The Hull house was an old mansion in a neighborhood with many immigrants. Addams wanted this house to help out these people who were looking for a better life. She created a day care for the parents to bring their children, and in time there was a coffee shop built, and kids would be able to go to kindergarden there too.
  • Child labor stats

    18 percent of all american workers were under the age of 16. Children were in very high demand in factories because of there size and stature. They were smaller so they could fix machinary. Along with those jobs were the extreme dangerous. The children would go and fix a machine while it was still on.
  • Child labor committees

    During this year there was a committee formed to stand up for children. It was the National Child Labor Committee. They were advocates for required education for children. It was diffictult for this committee to get the results that they wanted since the industries were very controling but in the end there were laws banning child labor, and requiring a certain amount of shcoling.
  • National Party supports womens voting right

    By 1912 the women had support from a National Party for the first time ever. Theodore Roosevelt's Bull Moose Party was their supporters. This was a huge step for the Womens association because it had been so long and they were finally getting recognition they wanted, and needed if it was going to become an amendment.
  • Keating-Owen Act

    This Act was passed by Congress during this year. This was a Major point in the Child Labor progress. It banned all interstate sales of and products that were made by children. This would promote industries to hire more adults so that their sales would expand across the nation.
  • Women Could Vote in Most States

    Before the 19th amendment was added to the constitution a majority of the states allowed women to vote. The states that didn't were the southern states and the eastern states. After the amendment was passed the southern and eastern states allowed women to vote.
  • 19th Amendment

    On this day the 19th amendment was added to the Constitution of the United States. It granted women the right to vote. This was a huge mile stone for women, because this was one of their origional goals from the beginning. This was a huge step for the National American Women Sufferage Association, and it showed how a group of people can end up making a huge difference to the Nation