

  • Period: to

    Germany History

  • Hitler committed suicide

    Hitler was afriad of getting captured. So he committed sucicide
  • Germany surrenders.

    Germany surrenders.
    Germany finally gives up and gives in and give up. Hitler committing sucicied soldified this fact
  • Soviet Blockade

    1/01/48 to 01/01/49 Soviet Blockade of Germany. This cause great econmic proublems for Germany
  • Allied airlift

    keeps Berlin supplied and Soviets back down. Gives cold war an ending.
  • East and West Germany agree to Treaty

    Germany finally came together to help each other make a better country
  • Summer Olypics

    THere was a terriost atck on in the summer Olypics. This caused The middle east to get more attion than what Germany was doing.
  • Nuclear energy

    Government and nuclear industry representatives sign agreement to phase out nuclear energy entirely over next 20 years.
  • Germany's largest deployment outside Europe since World War II.

    Chancellor Schroeder survives parliamentary confidence vote over the government's decision to deploy 4,000 troops in the US-led campaign in Afghanistan, Germany's largest deployment outside Europe since World War II.
  • Chancellor Angela Merkel Historic Address

    Chancellor Angela Merkel makes historic address to Israeli parliament (Knesset) during a trip marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel. Her address is the first ever given to the Knesset by a German head of government.