German Unification Timeline

  • Frankfurt Assembly

    A large group of German liberals came together to try and create a stronger, unified country.
  • Frederick IV's Proclamation of 1849

    The king of Prussia refused the crown of Germany because it didn't come from the Government and because he'd have to accept a constitution.
  • Otto Von Bismarck's letter to Minister von Manteuffel

    Bismarck wrote to Manteuffel about how if Austria annexes Germany, the Germans will have to fight for their existence.
  • Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke's letter

    Von Moltke wrote about how the war between Austria and Prussia began only because Prussia wanted to establish German power.
  • Period: to

    The Seven-Weeks War

    Austria and Prussia fought a war over leadership of Germany.
  • Otto von Bismarck's second document

    Bismarck says that Germany didn't wound Austria as much as they could have because they wanted to be able to preserve relations with Austria.
  • King Wilhelm's Imperial Proclamation

    The King of Prussia accepts the throne of Germany and expresses his hopes for a lasting peace in the future.