
German and Japanese Submarine Warfare

  • German Submarine Sink the SS Athenia

    Interperated by the UK, it is considered the start of the German unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • FIrst German Submarine Lost to an Allied Ship

    This was the date of the first U-boat lost to an Allied submarine. It was sunk by the HMS Salmon outside of Kristiansund in Norway.
  • U-boat Sinks 3 Merchant Steamships

    On this day, German U-boat U-52 sunk three merchant steamships.
  • First American Submarine Sunk

    On this day, U-552 sunk the USS Reuben James, by torpedo.
  • Start of a New U-boat Campaign

    Here, the start of a new U-boat campaign is begun with the sinking of the MV Cyclops. This campaign sunk 200 merchant vessles all within a 10 mile diamter of the coast.
  • Passenger Ferry Sunk by a U-boat

    On this day, in Cabot Strait, the SS Caribou passenger ferry was torpedoed down by German U-boat U-69.
  • Period: to

    Many U-boats are Sunk

    In June of 1943, 17 U-boats are sunk by enemy ships. During July a total of 46 U-boats were destroyed by enemy ships. In August 20 U-boats were sunk by enemy ships. This making a grand total of 83 U-boats sunk from June to August.